SRUC and Campuses

Respecting rural diversity

Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) has cemented its commitment to diversity by signing the Agrespect pledge.…

  • SRUC
  • 24/06/2020
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Plant sale raises cash for charity

Horticultural staff at Scotland’s Rural College have raised £1,250 for Fife charities from the sale of plants grown on the Elmwood campus.…

  • SRUC
  • 17/06/2020
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Satellite images provide key to virtual farm tour

Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) is using satellite imagery to offer virtual tours of its upland research farms in Perthshire.…

  • SRUC
  • 09/06/2020
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SRUC sets date for new academic year

The new academic year at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) will begin on 28 September with a combination of face-to-face and online teaching.…

  • SRUC
  • 02/06/2020
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Roll up for virtual country show

Those missing the sights, sounds and smells of the traditional country show and the thrill of winning a rosette will soon be able to enjoy the next best thing.…

  • SRUC
  • 29/05/2020
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Consultant raises £2k after running Liverpool Marathon in Glasgow

A consultant at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) has raised more than £2000 for a mental health charity after running the Liverpool Marathon – in Glasgow.…

  • SRUC
  • 29/05/2020
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Virtual tour of new racehorse care course

Equine students are being offered a virtual introduction to a new course aimed at those interested in a career in the horse racing industry.…

  • SRUC
  • 27/05/2020
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SRUC joins global network

Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) has joined a network of universities across the world committed to sustainable, global development.…

  • SRUC
  • 26/05/2020
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Educational SEFARI

Scottish research institutes are sharing educational activities and resources for teachers, parents and learners to use during the coronavirus pandemic.…

  • SRUC
  • 20/05/2020
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New tools for gardening classes

Horticulture and garden design lecturers at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) have been exploring innovative ways of teaching practical units during the coronavirus pandemic.…

  • SRUC
  • 11/05/2020
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From bed to gown

Bed sheets from Strathfillan Wigwams, part of Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), have been given a new lease of life as gowns for district nurses in Glasgow.…

  • SRUC
  • 06/05/2020
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New role for SRUC Board member

Dr Kate Richards, who serves as a Non-Executive Director on the SRUC Board, has been re-elected to the Council of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.…

  • SRUC
  • 01/05/2020
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