SRUC and Campuses

From classrooms to care homes

SRUC has been donating supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE) to the NHS, care homes and charities across the country.…

  • SRUC
  • 21/04/2020
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Chicken wings its way to charities

Food banks, school breakfast clubs and homeless shelters have benefitted from a massive 1.4 tonne donation of chicken from Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC).…

  • SRUC
  • 17/04/2020
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Putting Community First

The running of the Oatridge Golf Course at the Scotland’s Rural College at Ecclesmachan, near Uphall in West Lothian, has transferred to the Binny Golf Club.…

  • SRUC
  • 09/04/2020
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SRUC principal appointed to DFID group

The principal of Scotland’s Rural College has been appointed to the UK’s Department for International Development’s (DFID’s) Science Advisory Group (SAG).…

  • SRUC
  • 06/04/2020
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Cancellation of leading equestrian event

The organisers of the Harbro Scottish Home Pony have announced the cancellation of the event for 2020, in the light of the coronavirus pandemic.…

  • SRUC
  • 06/04/2020
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Sowing the seeds for research project

Researchers at Scotland’s Rural College have created an apple pollination experiment to help parents who are home schooling their children.…

  • SRUC
  • 31/03/2020
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Livestock transport expert calls it a day

One of the world’s leading experts in livestock transportation is this week retiring after 15 years at Scotland’s Rural College.…

  • SRUC
  • 30/03/2020
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SRUC community swings into action over coronavirus

Former students from Scotland’s Rural College have been joining staff to take action against the impact of coronavirus.…

  • SRUC
  • 26/03/2020
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SRUC to suspend face-to-face group teaching

Scotland’s Rural College is suspending face-to-face group teaching from 6pm on Friday 20 March.…

  • SRUC
  • 18/03/2020
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Badger sett and match

Countryside Management students at Scotland’s Rural College are learning how to survey badgers as part of a new course being delivered at its West Lothian campus.…

  • SRUC
  • 09/03/2020
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Courses for race horse lovers

Equine students at Scotland’s Rural College will be able to specialise in race horse care as part of their course thanks to the creation of a new Scottish Racing Academy.…

  • SRUC
  • 03/03/2020
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Animal Welfare Commission named

Members have been appointed to Scotland’s first independent Animal Welfare Commission, which is chaired by Professor Cathy Dwyer from SRUC.…

  • SRUC
  • 02/03/2020
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