
Black's Disease
The most common disease presentation of most clostridial disease is sudden death. However, we are aware of a number of cases of Black’s disease over the last five years which have presented alive.…
- Veterinary services
- 30/04/2021

High Risk of Nematodirosis Likely in 2021
Outbreaks of nematodirosis in Scotland are recorded most often between May and July, with a consistent peak in the month of June.…
- Veterinary services
- 29/04/2021

Still Birth and Weak Calf Syndrome in Suckled Calves
In recent weeks SRUC Veterinary Services have had an increased number of still birth submissions from spring calving suckler herds.…
- Veterinary services
- 29/04/2021

Risks from Dog Walking on Agricultural Land
Dog ownership has increased significantly in the past year. But walking your pet in the countryside comes with a number of risks to livestock.…
- Veterinary services
- 27/04/2021