Veterinary surveillance blogs

Higher risk of ergot in feed stocks this autumn

Our SAC Consulting colleagues have warned of a higher risk of ergot contamination of grain and headed grass this year. This is as a result of the 2021 growing season, weather conditions and seed availability.…

  • SRUC Veterinary Services
  • 01/12/2021
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Tick borne fever in suckled calves

Recently we were presented with a four week old suckled calf for investigation of excessive calf mortality. Although it has only been recorded a handful of times during the last few years, it was confirmed to be tick borne fever.…

  • SRUC Veterinary Services
  • 01/12/2021
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Reminder about PM sampling for respiratory disease

Respiratory disease in any cattle production system remains a very significant cause of poor welfare, reduced production efficiency and increased antibiotic use. We have fielded a number of calls regarding what samples to take if you have the opportunity to perform an on-farm postmortem when investigating respiratory disease problems. …

  • SRUC Veterinary Services
  • 01/12/2021
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Avian Influenza Update

An Avian Influenza Prevention Zone has been declared across the whole of Great Britain, introducing strict biosecurity measures for all bird keepers.…

  • SRUC Veterinary Services
  • 05/11/2021
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Silage subjects

A number of animal health issues related to winter feed stocks may be relevant on some farms.…

  • SRUC Veterinary Services
  • 05/11/2021
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Fodder Beet

Fodder beet is a highly palatable, very digestible crop which has increased in popularity on Scottish farms over the past few years as a livestock feed. However, there are several animal health issues to be aware of.…

  • SRUC Veterinary Services
  • 04/11/2021
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Coccidiosis due to Eimeria alabamensis

Eimeria bovis, zuernii and alabamensis are the most pathogenic coccidial species of cattle.  Eimeria alabamensis is less well known and is associated with diarrhoea in calves one to two weeks after turn out. …

  • SRUC Veterinary Services
  • 01/11/2021
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Using the liver fluke antibody test

Now that we are at a time of year when liver fluke can be a problem, here is some information on the liver fluke ELISA and how it can be used. …

  • SRUC Veterinary Services
  • 28/10/2021
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Autumn liver fluke update

Liver fluke risk will not be high this year, but infection will still occur on some farms.…

  • SRUC Veterinary Services
  • 12/10/2021
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Look out for Haemonchus in sheep and goats!

Colleagues in Aberdeen have seen several sheep and goats with Haemonchus over the last few weeks.…

  • SRUC Veterinary Services
  • 11/10/2021
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Lungworm alert

We have seen a few cases of lungworm in cattle in the post-mortem room this autumn, possibly precipitated by the recent rainfall that followed a rather dry summer.…

  • SRUC Veterinary Services
  • 11/10/2021
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Be alert for autumn nematodirosis

In the last week Dumfries have diagnosed nematodirosis in lambs from two flocks.…

  • SRUC Veterinary Services
  • 27/09/2021
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