Neonatal Clostridial Diseases in Lambs
The two most common neonatal clostridial diseases diagnosed by SRUC are lamb dysentery and pulpy kidney disease. With the intermittent supply of clostridial vaccines remaining a problem for sheep farmers, there is an increased risk of neonatal clostridial disease. Protection from clostridial disease relies on vaccinated ewes producing good quality colostrum, followed by effective ingestion and absorption by the lamb.
Lamb dysentery
Lamb dysentery (Clostridium perfringens type B disease) risk is highest in the April lambing flock. Disease is most common in outdoor lambing flocks and while affected lambs are most commonly under 7 days old, lambs up to 3 weeks of age can be affected. The most common presentation is sudden death, although a bloody scour can be seen in some lambs.
On post mortem examinations there is often a characteristic emphysema of the jejunal serosa with haemorrhagic change (pictured below), however these changes become less obvious with advancing autolysis. Demonstration of beta and/or epsilon toxins from terminal ileal content or histopathology of the affected intestine can be used to confirm a diagnosis of lamb dysentery.
Pulpy kidney
Most diagnoses of pulpy kidney (Clostridium perfringens type D disease) are made in April and May. Disease can be seen in neonatal animals, however most diagnoses are made in older lambs where maternal antibody has waned and the primary course of clostridial vaccinations have not yet been completed.
Neonatal pulpy kidney disease often features neurological signs such as ataxia, recumbency, seizures, and muscle spasticity, as well as sudden death. The gross findings of postmortem examination in neonates are similar to older animals, with an excess of pericardial fluid +/- fibrin clot, pulmonary oedema, advanced autolysis in the kidneys compared to the rest of the carcase, and cerebellar coning common in affected lambs. Diagnosis can be confirmed by detection of epsilon toxin in the terminal ileal content and/or focal symmetrical encephalomalacia on histopathological examination of the fixed brain.
Posted by SRUC Veterinary Services Aberdeen on 28/03/2025