A day in the life of Amy McLuckie, microbiology lab scientist: from giraffe samples to microbial mysteries

Earlier this year SRUC was awarded the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education which recognises the institution’s contribution to animal welfare, veterinary science, education, research and the economy through its world-class Veterinary Services network.

This is the first of our blogs recognizing our talented colleagues who have studied at SRUC and gone on to have successful careers within our institution!

Amy McLuckie

Meet Amy McLuckie, one of our Microbiology Lab Scientists at SRUC Veterinary Services. Amy completed her BSc (Hons) in Applied Animal Science at SRUC’s King’s Buildings campus, graduating in 2020.

Before joining the Microbiology team at SRUC Veterinary Services, Amy made a significant impact as the Central Faculty Co-President at SRUC Students’ Association, where she served for two years. Her dedication and passion for animal science led her to apply her expertise in the field she loves.

Amy says: "I work as a Laboratory Scientist in Microbiology at SRUC Veterinary Services in Pentlands Science Park, just outside Edinburgh. I really enjoy the variety that I see day to day. We work on all kinds of samples from skin to poo to organ tissue and from all kinds of animals - we recently had a sample from a giraffe!"

The Journey of a Sample:

"The role that I play is a small chapter of a story - the samples have journeyed from the animal via the owner, vet, the postal service, sample reception and technicians, before the cultured plates end up on our lab benches."

Beyond the Bench:

"And it doesn’t end there! - we work to find any bacterial/fungal cause of disease which the SRUC Veterinary Investigation Officers (VIOs) report to the client's vet who will then work together on a course of action. That's a big journey!"

Continuous Learning:

"Animal Disease and Diagnostics and, of course, Microbiology modules gave me a basic starting point from which I've been able to build my knowledge in the two years I've been working at Veterinary Services. There is, and always will be, lots to learn and I'm very excited by that!"

Posted by SRUC Veterinary Services on 17/05/2024

Tags: Microbiology
Categories: Staff