The admissions process for the BVSci is mission based focused on delivering SRUC’s mission:

‘Providing a sustainable, resilient foundation for clinical excellence to support the animals and communities at the heart of Scotland’s Natural Economy.’

This will be achieved through selecting individuals who share SRUCs ambition and can demonstrate their alignment with the mission through their experience and understanding of the role of the veterinary profession and life in remote and rural communities.

Admissions for the BVSci is a three-step process:

The first step is application through UCAS.

The second step involves submitting three documents.

  1. Vocational Experience Form- discussing your vocational experiences related to your ambitions to join the BVSci programme.

  2. A Letter to the Head of School- summarising how your experiences and your ambitions for the future will contribute to SRUC delivering its mission.

  3. Personal Reference- Identify one person to act as a referee to support your application. This should comment on your aptitude for a career in animal health and your ability to work successfully with others.

These applications are ranked by the SRUC admissions team, which includes SVM academic staff.

The third step is interviews - these are an opportunity for applicants to discover more about the SRUC programme and for the admissions team to explore their understanding and aptitudes for working as a veterinary professional, supporting Scotland’s remote and rural communities.

Support for attending interviews may come through national schemes such as REACH and LEAPS.  Applicants who are unable to make application/attend interview due to financial hardship, please contact the Admissions Team for support.

Following interviews offers will be made to those applicants the admissions team have identified as most aligned with the mission of SRUC and the SVM.