Online CPD Academy

Free talks
Watch our recorded free webinars on a wide range of farm animal topics.
Please go to the SRUC elearning platform and use your login details or create a new, free account. Then select the talk(s) you want to watch.
The newest free talks are:
- How to make beef health planning pay for both you and your farmers
- The application of genomic selection in the UK
- Communicating effectively with farmers; tips which consider the farmer's perspective
- Using vaccines to prevent disease in cattle and sheep; concepts, strategies and challenges
- Dealing with Haemonchus contortus: personal experiences in southern England
- Assessing Pre-Lamb Nutrition
- Practical Advice on Q Fever for vets
- Assessing pre-Calving Nutrition
- Bovine TB in Scotland trends, actions on confirmed cases and new opportunities for investigating the source
- Holistic approach to bovine TB- there is more to TB than just testing
- Diagnostic approaches to common diseases of backyard poultry and gamebirds in practice
- Investigating milk drop syndrome in dairy herds
- Health planning on beef and sheep farms: Finding new solutions (part 3)
- Infectious lameness in sheep – an update for the busy practitioner
- An Introduction to Dairy Beef Calf Systems – Nutrition and Infectious Disease
- Health planning on beef and sheep farms: Finding new solutions (part 2)
- Ticks and tick-borne diseases of livestock
- Pre-lambing ewe nutrition
- Key practical aspects of nutrition and feeding management of pre-calving suckler cows
- Phage testing in Johne’s disease: A vet practitioners guide
- Health planning on beef and sheep farms: Finding new solutions (part 1)
- Postmortem pathology of the pet pig
- Update on maedi-visna
- Practical nutrition for vets
- Mycoplasma bovis in cattle
- Roundworms in a changing environment: diagnosis now and in the future
We also offer many older talks for free in the archived section of our elearning platform (this also requires an account). Some of the older talks available are:
- Investigation of neonatal lamb losses (2021)
- Exploring the opportunities and challenges of prescribing antibiotics in farm animal practice (2021)
- Bovine Respiratory Disease: Pathogens, pathology and diagnostics (2021)
- Gross pathology in backyard poultry and Avian Influenza update (2021)
- Histophilus somni septicaemia in cattle (2021)
- Dynamic health planning (2021)
- Sheep worms unhatched (2021)
- Leading the fight against lungworm in cattle (2021)
- Bovine abortion investigation (2021)
- Neonatal calf losses investigation (2021)
- Investigating sudden death in suckler calves at grass (2021)
- Salmonellosis in SW Scotland – Dublin, Typhimurium and Mbandaka (2021)
- 2000 Beef Cows: Calf losses from breeding to weaning (2020)
- An update on common conditions of pigs, their management and control (2019)
- Causes and economic effects of poor cattle temperament and the design of better handling (2019)
- Cryptosporidium: a major source of neonatal calf diarrhoea (2020)