We have a growing database of resources and links that you may find useful.

Paraban are not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
Economics of Johne's disease
Economic Impact of health and Welfare Issues in Beef Cattle and Sheep in England
Section 6.2 gives an indication of the costs associated with Johne's disease in a suckler herd.
Economic Impact of health and Welfare Issues in Beef Cattle and Sheep in England
Sourcing cattle
SRUC Veterinary Services - PCHS Members database
Contains details of PCHS members' health status by seller, breed and area
SRUC Veterinary Services testing
The Premium Cattle Health Scheme
SRUC Veterinary Services testing
Johne's disease general links
Johne's Information Centre - Wisconsin
Vast U.S. resource of information from epidemiology to control
Johne's Information Centre - Wisconsin
NADIS National Animal Disease Information Service
NADIS National Animal Disease Information Service
National Johne's Action Group
Focusses on highlighting best practice in Johne's surveillance and control.
National Johne's Action Group
Discover more

Testing for Johne's
Identify infected animals in the herd as soon as possible so that management decisions may be taken to prevent the spread of infection.

Accreditation Programme & health schemes
Risk Level Accreditation programme enables herds to maintain or move towards clear herd tests.

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Research news
Have a look at our latest news articles to find out more about our research activities and impact across the globe.

You can access our research outputs, learn more about our research team, see our current and past research projects and much more on SRUC Pure.