Accreditation Programme & Health Schemes
Risk Level Accreditation programme enables herds to maintain or move towards clear herd tests.

Johne's Accreditation programme
The Johne’s Disease Risk Level Accreditation programme (standards imposed by CHeCS) enables herds to maintain or move towards clear herd tests (for breeders) and provides assurance that an effective test and control programme is in place (for buyers).
The programme recognises the risks associated with purchasing cattle from a herd at each stage in the control programme.
Risk Level 1:Â there have been three clear annual herd tests. This is the lowest level of risk.
Risk Level 2:Â There has a current clear herd test, but has not yet gained level 1 status.
Risk Level 3:Â At the most recent herd test there are reactors in the herd at the level of three percent or fewer.
Risk Level 4:Â There has been more than three percent reactors at its most recent herd test.
Risk Level 5: Those herds without a health plan for Johne’s disease and that do not adhere to the mandatory elements of the health plan are Risk Level 5. This is the highest level of risk and additionally applies to herds that carry out no testing.
Once a herd has been accredited at Level 1 achieved two further clear tests, with more than 20 home-bred adults in the herd, the herd can opt for biennial testing providing all cull cows and animals not born in the herd are tested in the intervening year.
View more information about the SRUC Veterinary Services Premium Cattle Health Scheme (PCHS) database which contains details of PCHS members' health status by breeder's name, area and breed.
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Testing for Johne's
Identify infected animals in the herd as soon as possible so that management decisions may be taken to prevent the spread of infection.

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