Research facilities
Our world-class research facilities serve our specialist areas of expertise.

Beef & sheep research facility
The centre conducts leading-edge work covering all the latest developments in beef and sheep research.

Dairy research facility
The Dairy Research and Innovation Centre aims to develop, implement and provide information for sustainable breeding and management systems for dairy cows.
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Pig and poultry research
Both pig and poultry units host contract research for government and private sectors. It also provides a focus for SRUC's porcine and avian-related research, technology transfer and education.

Hill & mountain research

Crop trial facilities

Biorefining & advanced materials research
Transforming biorenewable and sustainable materials for the future through the integration across-disciplines.

Biomarkers laboratory
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Research news
Have a look at our latest news articles to find out more about our research activities and impact across the globe.

You can access our research outputs, learn more about our research team, see our current and past research projects and much more on SRUC Pure.