
Reducing pesticide usage without risking yield

Nested within regenerative and lower input systems are the integrated pest management practices which reduce the risks of pest and disease outbreaks and yield losses. Sustainable and stewarded use of pesticides is integral to our current crop production systems, where they are used to protect yields and, by extension, food security.…

  • Fiona Burnett
  • 19/06/2024
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Harnessing nature for more resilient agriculture

Healthy ecosystems that support a diversity of species are more effective at recycling nutrients, at providing pollination services, and at regulating pests. In arable systems, focus is typically on actions to improve soil health; cover crops, livestock integration, reduced tillage, incorporating organic matter and reducing synthetic inputs.…

  • Lorna Cole
  • 17/06/2024
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Land management conference to address future training needs

A South West Scotland Future Landscapes Conference, designed to promote links between land management industries and identify future skills and training needs, is being organised by SRUC in collaboration with South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) and will be held in July.…

  • SRUC
  • 29/05/2024
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Nature and biodiversity strategies: ‘Bio-washing’ in the corporate sphere

England’s new policy on Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) has been introduced this February. Industries aiming to develop land will have to provide 10% net gain in biodiversity, maintained for at least 30 years. The goal? For development to contribute to nature recovery and be nature positive. It may only be a matter of time before Scotland and Wales adopt similar policies as well.…

  • Tushaani Naudi
  • 24/05/2024
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Bats need dark nights to be farm heroes

A new publication has highlighted the benefits of bats to farming landscapes and what actions farmers can take to support this protected species on their farms.…

  • SRUC
  • 30/04/2024
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Entrepreneurial Spirit: Powering Scotland’s rural economy through innovation

SRUC’s mission is to foster a campus environment where entrepreneurial skills are not only taught but also become deeply integrated into the fabric of rural enterprise.…

  • Wayne Powell
  • 13/11/2023
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Measuring biodiversity in Scotland

A new report on approaches to measuring biodiversity in Scotland was published by the Scottish Government last month. The report was written by a team at SRUC and SAC Consulting after reviewing a range of existing biodiversity metrics and engaging interested parties across the key policy areas.…

  • Julia Mccarthy
  • 09/10/2023
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New partnership to unlock potential of South’s natural economy

SRUC and South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) have agreed a ground-breaking partnership which will aim to maximise opportunities presented by the region’s significant and diverse natural resources.…

  • SRUC
  • 04/09/2023
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New resources to help farmers manage land with beavers

The Farm Advisory Service has published new resources to help farmers learn about managing land with beavers.  …

  • Farm Advisory Service
  • 25/08/2023
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‘Game-changing moment’ for UK sheep breeding

Sheep breeding in the UK has witnessed a “game-changing moment”, following groundbreaking work on genomic breeding values (gEBVs).…

  • SRUC
  • 07/07/2023
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Africa's 'forgotten food crops' could play key role in climate change research

Researchers at SRUC, the World Vegetable Center, World Agroforestry and partner institutions have modelled how nutrient-rich forgotten food crops – crops not promoted in recent decades with the dominance of major staples – could help diversify future food systems to make them more climate-resilient and healthier.…

  • SRUC
  • 11/04/2023
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SRUC Alliance for the Natural Economy Forum – Reflections #2

The second of the Alliance for the Natural Economy Forum dinners, convened by SRUC, was held on 28 March at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh.…

  • Peter Smyth and Susannah Bolton 
  • 05/04/2023
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