Consulting and Commercial

Windfarm windfall boosts businesses

A company that rents electric bikes was among a number of Scottish rural businesses to benefit from a windfarm windfall.…

  • SRUC
  • 29/10/2019
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Crafting successful crofting succession

Crofters planning for the often daunting and complex process of passing their business on to the next generation are being offered the chance to register for a bespoke webinar.…

  • SRUC
  • 25/10/2019
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Managing the risk of Grass Staggers

In the last week, there has been a large increase in cases of hypomagnesemia (Grass Staggers) in beef cows. SAC Consulting, part of Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), has now issued advice to farmers to…

  • SRUC
  • 16/10/2019
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Focus on what you can control

With the outcome of Brexit still far from certain, many farm businesses have little clear idea of what they could – or should – be doing to prepare. The latest edition of the Farm Management Handbook,…

  • SRUC
  • 14/10/2019
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From Plate to Planet

With red meat consumption a hot topic of conversation, SRUC is hosting a free event to help people make up their minds about the industry’s pros and cons. Professor Sir Charles Godfray, a population…

  • SRUC
  • 11/10/2019
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Making the most of farm woodland

Forestry professionals are set to share their expertise on how to boost the productivity of existing woodland. Organised through the Scottish Government’s Farm Advisory Service (FAS), a free event…

  • SRUC
  • 09/10/2019
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The graze debate

An award-winning farmer will be among the experts discussing the impact of different grazing methods on soil health and animal performance at a conference next month. Charley Walker and his wife…

  • SRUC
  • 07/10/2019
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Free calf health and management advice for dairy farmers

Dairy farmers will learn about reducing calf losses, the impact of early disease detection, calf nutrition and maximising growth performance at an open farm event organised by SRUC. Calf mortality in…

  • Dairy Research and Innovation Centre
  • 04/10/2019
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Cabinet Secretary launches new land matching service

The launch of a new land matching service to tackle the issue of an ageing farming population and improve access for new entrants has been welcomed by consultants at Scotland’s Rural College.…

  • SRUC
  • 27/09/2019
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Breeding for an extra lamb chop

Sheep farmers can now breed for extra chops – thanks to information being provided by CT scans of live lambs. Researchers at Scotland’s Rural College have been using CT technology for more than two…

  • SRUC
  • 26/09/2019
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From fatty foods to fruit

The influence of supermarket deals on the shopping habits of Scottish households is to come under the spotlight. Researchers at Scotland’s Rural College, in partnership with the University of Aberdeen…

  • SRUC
  • 17/09/2019
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Heavy bale warning

Farmers are being warned about the dangers posed by heavy straw bales due to the recent poor weather conditions. Scotland’s Farm Advisory Service (FAS) has issued guidance to farmers after parts of…

  • SRUC
  • 13/09/2019
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