Barry Fisher
Keep Scotland Beautiful

Joint Winner of the 2023 Alumni Champion Award
About Barry:
Working with young people to help them achieve their goals has always been his passion. Barry has extensive experience in the youth sector spanning his teenage years to the present day. He joined Keep Scotland Beautiful as Chief Operating Officer, the role he has held for almost three years, from the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, where latterly he held the role of Scotland Director. Prior to this Barry worked with the Ocean Youth Trust Scotland.
What the judges said:
“The phrase a leader “Serves First and Complains Last” comes to mind when I read his biography, especially when we are setting up the future generations to live in an ever-changing society who face new and real challenges relating to career choices, climate concerns, and mental health. We must get it right with our youngsters if we are to have a future for them and Barry understands this concept. What a great role model for so many!”
What Barry said:
"My time at Auchincruive with SRUC was a huge influence on my life and something that is so far back, to be reminded just how important that was to me through this award I think has been terrific so I’m really grateful.”