Oestradiol x2 (GnRH test)*

*This test is subcontracted

Sampling advice: To detect ovarian tissue in bitches / queens not showing signs of oestrus inject 0.32µg IV of GnRH (Buserilin). Collect 2ml of serum 2-3 hours after administering GnRH and submit for oestradiol assay.
Baseline sample is not generally required although some protocols recommend its inclusion.

  • Price: £100
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Disease / Presentation: Endocrine disease
  • Test Type: Biochemistry
  • Sample Type: Blood - clotted (red top)

Further Information

UKAS Accreditation Status: Not accredited

Turnaround Time: 7 working days

SRUC VS Product Code(s): 1217210

Oestradiol x2 (GnRH test)*

Submission Forms