Shetland Islands Health Scheme
The Shetland Islands Health Scheme exists to maintain a high level of disease freedom in livestock on the Shetland islands.

The Shetland Islands Health Scheme exists to maintain a high level of disease freedom in livestock on the Shetland islands. SRUC Veterinary Services is contracted by the Shetland Islands Council to provide disease testing for Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) and Johne’s disease in cattle, as well as Maedi Visna (MV), enzootic abortion of ewes (EAE) and caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) in sheep.
We test submitted abortion material and can also test for other diseases on request. Please download the relevant forms below.

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PCHS member resources
Detailed information and forms you may need as a PCHS member including scheme rules and guides, testing and submission forms, and price list.

Thinking of joining PCHS?
Learn more about SRUC’s Premium cattle health schemes, the diseases they cover, how to apply for membership, prices and what’s involved.

Quick links for vets in practice
Quick links for vets in practice including health scheme rules, submission forms and where to send samples.

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