Virtual send-off for class of 2021

Amy McLuckie is one of nearly 700 students graduating from SRUC.


Nearly 700 students will celebrate their graduation from SRUC at live virtual events today.

With in-person graduation ceremonies cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions, online celebrations via Zoom have been organised for each faculty.

The events celebrate the achievements of HN, degree and postgraduate degree students at the North, Central and South & West faculties and will be followed by individual class get-togethers on Teams or in person. 

In a message to the graduates, Principal and Chief Executive Wayne Powell said: “While the last year-and-a-half has been incredibly challenging for us all, I have no doubt that SRUC as an organisation, and you as people, will come out the other side stronger, more determined and more resilient.

“Life has already thrown so much at you, and it will throw so much more but, if the pandemic has given us anything, it’s a greater appreciation of the world’s fragility and a greater drive to help tackle global challenges, including climate change, biodiversity and food security.

“Your new qualification is a ticket to go out there and make a real difference. I encourage you to use your passion and your new skills to make an impact. As Scotland and the world recovers from the pandemic, people like you will be needed to drive change.”

Among the graduates is Amy McLuckie who achieved a first-class honours degree in Applied Animal Science from SRUC’s Edinburgh campus.

The 22-year-old, from East Dunbartonshire, chose the course because it combined her interest in livestock with her love of science – and also offered her the option to pursue a course in Veterinary Medicine in the future.

However, after being re-elected as Co-President for SRUC’s students’ association (SRUCSA), she said: “I’ve discovered a passion for education through my role at SRUCSA and have been thinking about where that could take me. It feels like my options are limitless and there’s plenty of time yet to decide.”

For more information about studying at SRUC, visit our course catalogue.

Posted by SRUC on 20/08/2021

Tags: Barony, Craibstone, Riverside, Elmwood, King's Buildings, Oatridge
Categories: Student and Alumni