Elrick Prize recognises work to improve sustainability

Alex Pirie has been awarded the inaugural Elrick Prize in recognition of his work to improve land sustainability.


A new annual prize has been created by SAC Consulting – part of SRUC – in memory of Senior Consultant Gavin Elrick.

Gavin, who was part of SAC Consulting’s Environment Team, helped Scottish agriculture become more sustainable by sharing his vast knowledge with farmers and crofters across the country. His untimely death in November 2020 came as a shock to colleagues and the wider rural community.

The inaugural Elrick Prize has been awarded to Consultant Alex Pirie in recognition of his work to improve the sustainability of land use.

Alex, who is from a dairy farming background near Campbeltown, is already well regarded across the business and with many farming stakeholders.

He was nominated by Principal Consultant Chloe McCulloch and seconded by Regional Development Manager Raymond Crerar.

Chloe said: “The work Alex has done in supporting the Net Zero Arran group has been inspiring. His ability to attract influential stakeholders and policy makers and explain the impact of the group will increase the opportunities for others to participate in this type of activity in future.

“He should also be recognised for his work with the Agri Environment Climate Scheme. He brings a genuine enthusiasm, coupled with creativity and significant skill, and I am in no doubt there are sustainable management activities that are only happening today because Alex stepped forward to take on a really challenging job in designing and delivering a fundable application. 

“Finally, on a personal note, Gavin may have been employed by SRUC as a consultant, but he was also an advisor of the old stamp, motivated by supporting farmers, friends and colleagues, and his industry. I see similar qualities in Alex and therefore this nomination is truly fitting.”

Alex said: “I am absolutely delighted and honoured to be nominated for the first Elrick Prize.

“It is a superb way to recognise Gavin’s outstanding contribution to the industry and the way in which he conducted himself.”

Posted by SRUC on 24/01/2022

Tags: Awards, SAC Consulting
Categories: Sustainability