Agronomy and crop advice

Our network of advisory offices are unrivalled in their ability to provide local advice specific to your farm. Our BASIS and FACTS qualified advisors can supply independent agronomy advice, ensuring crop health, environmental stewardship and economic profitability. Also, our consultants have access to a huge research programme and recognised experts.

Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ)

SAC Consulting are experienced at completing NVZ plans and records for farmers across all 5 NVZ zones in Scotland.

Discover more about NVZ

Crop Clinic service

As well as providing in season chemical recommendations, our advisors are supported by a comprehensive lab service and topical research team. Our Analytical Services Department and Crop Clinic service provides weed, pest and disease diagnostics alongside crop and soil analysis.

Crop Protection Report

Along with our one-to-one support we offer in season updates and guidance which can be accessed through Adopt-a-Crop which is our nationwide crop monitoring service available to all and the Crop Protection Report which is a technical news bulletin provided regularly throughout the year to subscribers.

SAC Consulting can also provide enterprise benchmarking and financial analysis to help growers identify and reduce the cost of production. ultimately leading to increased profitability.

To access any of these services please contact your local office.

Find out more about our services

SAC Consulting

Our consultants in 25 offices across Scotland and northern England turn research into advice and advantage for business and public sector alike.

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Contact Consulting

Contact our team and benefit from their experience and expertise.

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Vet & laboratory services

Our leading experts provide support to clients in areas animal disease, diagnosis and surveillance.

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